
Este blog lo creé hace mucho tiempo con la intención de tener un rinconcito propio en el que poder compartir todo aquello que me gusta, desde el mundo de la cosmética y la moda a mi experiencia viajando, restaurantes, en festivales de música, ... Resumiendo, ¡todo lo que se me pase por la cabeza!

Espero que os distraiga tanto como a mí escribiéndolo ¡ ... y poder ser yo capaz de mantenerlo al día! Gracias

domingo, 13 de julio de 2008

That's the way (accoustic) - Led Zeppelin

Día improvisado wai hoy... :)

Merci a la persona causante ^^
(tot i que dubtu que llegeixis això, o si ho llegeixes, te n'adonis que va per tu xD)

I don't know how I'm gonna tell you, I can't play with you no more,
I don't know how I'm gonna do what mama told me, My friend, the boy next door.
I can't believe what people saying, You're gonna let your hair hang down,
I'm satisfied to sit here working all day long, You're in the darker side of town.

And when I'm out I see you walking, Why don't your eyes see me?
Could it be you've found another game to play, What did mama say to me?

That's The Way, Oh, That's The Way it oughtta be, yeah, yeah,
Mama say That's The Way it oughtta stay, yeah, yeah, ooh, ooh

And yesterday I saw you standing by the river,
And weren't those tears that filled your eyes?
And all the fish that lay in dirty water dying,
Had they got you hypnotized?

And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers,
But all that lives is born to die.
And so I say to you that nothing really matters,
And all you do is stand and cry.

I don't know what to say about it,
When all your ears are turned away,
But now's the time to look and look again at what you see,
Is that the way it ought to stay?

That's the way... That's the way it oughtta be, oh don't you know now,
Mama said, mama said... that's the way it's gonna stay, yeah. ahh, ahhh, ahhhhhhhh

1 comentario:

  1. ¿qué les has hecho a los del fotolog para que te cierren otra vez el chiringuito?!
    siempre he dicho que el mundo es pequeño y cada vez me doy más cuenta. el otro día conocí a un telecos de 4º, le pregunté si te conocía, me dijo que no. Lo agregué al msn y ahora me dice "andaaaaaaaaaaaaa!Ya sé quien es tu amiga, la fresky! (lo he visto en tu blog)"
